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YAF is fighting for the issues that young people care about.
We recognize that these positions are intrinsically intersectional, so we invest in campaigns dedicated to all of them.
Above all, we are passionate about breaking down barriers to activism, so that everyone is able to make change in their community.
LGBTQ+ JUSTICEQueer Floridians are between the crosshairs of politicians in Tallahassee. We are fighting to: -Resist anti-queer legislation/policy. -Ban book bans. -Protect access to gender-affirming healthcare. -Protect LGBTQ+ resource centers/organizations on college campuses.
CLIMATE ACTIONFlorida's young people are on the front lines of the climate crisis. We are fighting to: -Enact a Green New Deal for Florida. -Mandate carbon neutrality by 2030. -Protect natural habits of Florida from greedy developers. -Prevent additional off-shore fossil fuel projects.
WORKER RIGHTSWe won't stand for young workers being exploited by corporations. We are fighting to: -Support unionization efforts. -Challenge anti-worker "Right To Work" laws. -Enact a $15 minimum wage. -Foster democracy in the workplace.
HEALTHCARE FOR ALLTens of thousands of needless deaths occur annually because of a lack of health insurance. We are fighting to: -Establish a single-payer, healthcare for all system. -Include free access to quality mental health care treatment. -Institute paid family leave. -Regulate the corrupt pharmaceutical monopoly.
IMMIGRANT RIGHTSFlorida is home to a large immigrant population, which is being threatened by bigotry in Tallahassee. We are fighting to: -Express solidarity and mutual aid to undocumented immigrants. -Preserve a pathway to citizenship for DACA recipients. -Resist and abolish ICE. -Defend immigrants from racist legislation.
RACIAL JUSTICEInstitutional racism is alive and well in Florida. We are fighting to: -Enforce police accountability and civilian oversight of law enforcement. -End economic disparities effecting communities of color. -Confront discriminatory legislation. -Enact extensive criminal justice reform.
DECARCERATIONToo many young people in Florida have had their lives ruined by the push for mass incarceration. We are fighting to: -Legalize cannabis. -End cash bail. -Cease the over-policing of marginalized communities. -Decriminalize poverty, homelessness and addiction.
GUN CONTROLFlorida has suffered too many horrific mass shootings because of a lack of gun safety laws. We are fighting to: -Institute universal background checks. -End gun show loopholes. -End dangerous "Stand Your Ground" laws. -Combat the NRA (National Rifle Association)
REPRODUCTIVE HEALTHCAREThe far-right in Florida is on a crusade to strip people of control over their own bodies. We are fighting to: -Preserve and expand the right to an abortion. -Safeguard access to contraceptives and menstrual products. -Secure access to reproductive healthcare among the immigrant population and detainees. -Confront anti-choice politicians and legislation.
DEBT CANCELLATIONYoung people should not be shackled by endless debt. We are fighting to: -Cancel student loan debt. -Cancel medical debt.
ANTI-WARYoung people have always been advocates for peace, and now is no different. We are fighting to: -End the sale of weapons and provision of aid to states waging war around the world. -Affirm the United States' commitment to human rights. -Prohibit torture and surveillance. -Promote diplomacy instead of violence.
VOTING RIGHTSWe know that the only way far-right politicians win in Florida is by suppressing the votes of young people. We are fighting to: -Implement automatic voter registration. -Reverse gerrymandered electoral maps which disenfranchise minority voters -Challenge voter ID laws. -Get money out of politics.

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